Monday, June 7, 2010

Home Sweet Home

Back in America. This video seems apropos with World Cup coming up (not for kids).

Saturday, June 5, 2010


Some of my friends took me on a hash about a month ago, but I just got around to getting the pictures off my phone. A hash was a originally a run through the desert, and while a handful of people on our route still ran (different trail), for most people it's more like a hike. Ours was pretty fun as it was out at a desert rock formation, so we got to climb up, around, and down them. Hashing is a western phenomenon and gives people in country a chance to meet each other.

Here are my softball buddies that took me.

This is at the beginning, looking toward where we're going. The group was large, but they are mostly behind me in this shot.

This is looking down from where we just climbed up to the end part of the group. They are in the process of snaking up the same trail I just went up.

The view from the top.

Overall, very fun!